Time to get tougher on the business?

Is it time for internal recruiters to get tougher on the business? Bill Boorman, in Wellington for the one-day Sourcing Summit, says it is. He’s one out-of-the-box – showing up late, in a hat that any farmer would wear with pride. Based on his work with some of the Britain’s biggest companies, this ex-recruiter turned consultant/speaker, shared a number of challenges internal recruiters face, and some solutions – many of which rung true for the internal recruiters in the room.

  • charge the business more (in line with the value provided),
  • push back on scope creep of the role
  • discourage people from applying. Sounds counter to finding the “best” candidate, but when one of the biggest challenges recruiters have is to cope with the volume of applicants, it makes sense (kind of).
  • develop specific relevant candidate pools through long term strategies, then go to these pools and invite applications from pre-qualified people who you have warmed up to an opportunity in your business.
  • improve the candidate experience. Treat these people like the gold they are, and
  • apply your time and resources to being great recruiters.

In chatting to some of the internal recruiters afterwards, the challenge of making a pivotal change in strategy is how to keep the day-to-day needs covered while also taking a new approach. Yet these insights are part of a trend that is unstoppable, change is constant, especially in the recruitment market right now – so why not find a way to get ahead of it?

I really enjoyed his talk; it’s always refreshing to hear from someone who is happy to put up the blunt truth with large scale solutions and has the background to support everything he says.

Afterwards over a beer Bill said he would be very happy to come back down to Wellington to work with companies who want his help (for an appropriate fee of course).